



研究公司兰德公司2023年的一份报告发现,在2020年3月至2022年8月之间, 700万美国人的样本.S. 拥有雇主提供的健康保险的成年人使用心理健康服务的人数增加了39%. Additionally, as of November 2023, more than 165 million people in the U.S. were living in areas that suffered from shortages of mental health professionals, according to health policy organization KFF.

扩大具有治疗心理健康需求的专业知识的医疗专业人员的数量有助于应对这些挑战. Among those medical professionals are 精神科护士s, whose work is critical to helping patients improve their mental health. 

It’s advantageous for anyone who is interested in enrolling in a 护理学校十大正规赌博平台大全 to become familiar with how to become a 精神科护士 和 what the profession entails 


精神科护士为患有精神疾病或物质使用障碍的患者提供服务. 它们有助于确定干预措施,帮助患者取得积极的健康结果. 这些干预措施力求:

  • Enable patients to build or restore their ability to cope with mental health issues

  • Teach living skills that can help patients address their mental health issues

  • Show patients how to manage their symptoms

  • Help patients by preventing further disability related to mental illness

Psychiatric nurses perform specific responsibilities such as:

  • 从患者那里获取有关病史、生活方式和症状的信息

  • 进行诊断测试

  • 评估和诊断患者

  • Developing 和 overseeing patient care plans

  • Counseling patients about coping with mental illness

  • 管理药物

  • Providing services related to crisis intervention 

Those who become 精神科护士s can work in a variety of settings, including:

  • Community 和 public health centers

  • 医院

  • 长期护理设施

  • 医疗实践

  • 学校

  • 药物使用治疗十大正规赌博平台大全

  • 远程医疗提供者


了解如何成为一名精神科护士对任何可能在该领域探索职业的人来说都很重要. The steps involved in entering the profession are outlined below.

1. Earn a 护理 Degree or Diploma, Pass the NCLEX, 和 Become a Registered Nurse

成为精神科护士的第一步包括获得学位或文凭. This then enables graduates to become registered nurses (RNs). To do this, individuals first need do one of the following:

  • Earn a nursing diploma from a hospital-based nursing program

  • 获得护理学副学士学位

  • Earn a bachelor of science degree in nursing

After earning the required degree or diploma, 个人可以参加由国家护理委员会全国委员会提供的全国委员会执照考试(NCLEX). 在通过NCLEX之后, 然后个人向他们想要执业的州的执照委员会申请获得注册护士执照.

2. 培养关键技能

成为一名注册护士后, 对于一个渴望成为精神科护士的人来说,培养某些技能是很重要的. 例如, 精神科护士s benefit from having strong skills in areas such as:

  • 沟通. 与病人及其家属互动是精神科护士工作的重要组成部分, 因此,能够很好地沟通和有效地倾听各种各样的人是一项宝贵的技能.

  • 同理心. 在与有心理健康问题的患者建立信任关系并支持他们接受治疗方面,表现出同理心的能力很重要. 

  • 批判性思维. 精神科护士应该具备批判性思维能力,认识到每个病人的独特需求,并确定最佳的治疗方案来满足这些需求. 

  • 解决问题. 解决问题的技能使精神科护士能够帮助那些可能对开始治疗计划感到忧虑或沉默的患者.

  • 耐心. 与有精神健康问题的人一起工作需要精神科护士在具有挑战性的情况下保持耐心和专业.

3. 获得工作经验

有兴趣进入精神科护理的个人需要满足工作经验要求,才能获得精神科-精神健康护士的认证. 例如, 有资格参加美国护士资格认证中心(ANCC)的精神病学-精神健康护理认证(PMH-BC)考试, registered nurses need to have completed:

  • Two years of full-time work experience as a registered nurse

  • 至少2个,在参加考试前的三年内,必须有5000小时的临床精神病学-心理健康护理经验

4. 获得PMH-BC认证

获得PMH-BC认证, 具有所需工作经验的注册护士必须完成30小时的精神卫生护理继续教育. 注册护士必须在参加PMH-BC考试前的三年内完成这些学时. 

通过考试后, RNs receive their PMH-BC certification, which must be renewed every five years.

5. 继续专业发展

对于精神科护士来说,继续提高他们的专业知识和了解他们领域的新发展是至关重要的. 除了, to renew their PMH-BC certifications, 注册护士必须完成75小时的继续教育,以满足ANCC的要求.

精神科护士也可以通过成为精神科心理健康执业护士(PMHNPs)来追求职业发展。. 这需要获得研究生学位,如护理学硕士(MSN)或护理实践博士学位(DNP)。, 通过认证考试, 和 becoming licensed as a nurse practitioner.


全国范围的护士短缺转化为精神科护士的光明就业前景. 美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects the U.S. healthcare system will have an average of 193,100 openings for registered nurses each year from 2022 through 2032. For psychiatrist nurses in particular, the ongoing shortage of mental health providers, 特别是在农村地区, reflects a significant need for healthcare professionals who bring mental health expertise. 

来自美国的统计数据.S. 美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)也帮助说明了需要具有心理健康专业知识的护士的原因. 例如:

  • More than 1 in 5 adults living in the U.S. 有精神疾病.

  • 13岁至18岁的儿童中,超过五分之一的儿童目前正在经历或将经历一种被认为严重使人衰弱的精神疾病.

Psychiatric 护理: An Opportunity to Make a Significant Contribution to 医疗保健

知道如何成为一名精神科护士是通往有意义的职业道路上的第一步,它可以提供有意义的满足感. 帮助病人改善他们的心理健康是护士运用他们专业知识的好方法. Individuals who are interested in pursuing nursing education can explore 护理学校课程 at Fortis to learn how those programs can help them achieve their goals. 

实际的护理 护理学副学士 程序-以及一个在线 护理学硕士(MSN) 与丹佛护理学院(DCN)合作提供的十大正规赌博平台大全-富通为护士提供各种选择,无论他们在职业道路上处于什么位置.

How Long Does It Take to Become a Nurse?
Why You Should Consider Becoming a Psychiatric Nurse

American Nurses Credentialing Center, Certification Renewal Requirements
American Psychiatric Nurses Association, Frequently Asked Questions about Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses
安娜的企业, 精神科-精神健康执业护士(终身)认证(PMHNP-BC) 
安娜的企业, Psychiatric-Mental Health 护理 Certification (PMH-BC)
Indeed, “What Are Mental Health Nurse Skills? (例子)”
Indeed, “What Is a Psychiatric Nurse?”KFF, Mental Health Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs)
National Council of 状态 Boards of 护理, 2023 NCLEX  Examination C和idate Bulletin
Psychiatric Times, “Bridging the Provider Gap”
兰德公司, “自大流行开始以来,精神卫生服务支出增加了一半以上”
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Registered Nurses
U.S. Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention, 关于 Mental Health