
How to Become an Operating Room Nurse


手术室护士通常被视为将手术室护理过程结合在一起的粘合剂. 这些熟练的专业人员为病人提供护理, 在, 手术后. 他们的工作通过消毒医疗器械和预防感染,在手术过程中维护患者安全至关重要.

成为一名手术室护士可以为那些正在考虑成为护士的人带来一份充实的医疗保健职业 护理学校十大正规赌博平台大全. 然而, before choosing a career, 了解手术室护士类别下的不同角色很重要. 

Types of Operating Room Nurses

有几个 手术室 nurse roles, and each carry a distinct focus. A pre-op OR nurse prepares patients for their surgical procedure, 而术后手术室护士则在手术后立即为患者提供护理. 在手术中直接参与帮助外科医生的手术室护士被称为手术内手术室护士.



清洁护士协助外科医生确保手术过程中必要的用品和设备准备就绪. Scrub nurses provide support in various ways. 他们用无菌布盖住病人,为手术做准备, and handle the instruments, 纱布, 缝合线, and other 设备 needed to perform the surgery. To conduct their duties, 擦洗护士必须彻底洗手,这个过程通常被称为“擦洗”.” 


流动护士提供手术小组,包括外科医生, 麻醉师, and scrub nurse — with supplies, 设备, and medications that may be needed 在 the procedure. 他们还可能负责让患者家属了解情况,并在手术过程中向他们提供最新情况.

Circulating nurses have pre-op duties, 比如让病人和家属为即将到来的手术做好准备, so they can know what to expect 在 the procedure. 不像普通护士, circulating nurses do not need to “scrub in,” nor do they wear sterile gloves or gowns.  然而,他们通常帮助确保手术室是一个无菌的环境. 

Registered Nurse First Assistant

注册护士第一助理(rnfa)在手术过程中通过控制出血等行动直接协助外科医生, 包扎伤口的, 缝合, and looking for indications of complications. Because they provide this level of hands-on support, rnfa通常比普通护士或循环护士在外科护理方面有更多的经验和教育.  


随着时间的推移, 手术室护士可以利用他们的经验和专业知识来追求护士领导职位, such as roles in 护理 administration. 这些角色, 比如护士长, 护士经理, 或者是护理主任, 能否允许个人制定策略以提高机构护理服务策略的有效性, including its OR functionality. 这些类型的领导职位可以在医院和门诊护理机构中找到.

Where Do Operating Room Nurses Work?

手术室护士通常在医院或门诊中心的急症护理部门工作. Some of their duties may vary depending on where they work. 例如, 一些较小的机构可能无法进行更复杂或高度度的手术. The type of facility may also impact an OR nurse’s work schedule. 门诊中心, 例如, 可能专门从事选择性手术或可能不提供24小时护理. Work hours may be more predictable in this type of environment, 因为门诊中心通常不要求手术室护士在正常时间之外“随叫随到”,就像他们在医院的手术室一样. 

Steps to Become an Operating Room Nurse

手术室护士承担着一个特殊的角色,不管他们执行的是什么具体的任务. 因此,成为一名手术室护士是一个多步骤的过程.

The first step involves education. This can start with obtaining an associate degree from a 护理学校十大正规赌博平台大全. 这些课程可以帮助建立处理与护理相关的基本职责的基础知识和技能. 这样的学位课程准备个人参加NCLEX-RN考试, 进一步验证个人护理知识和技能的必要考试. 一些手术室护理职位可能需要完成额外的学位, such as a bachelor’s degree in 护理 (BSN). 

After passing the NCLEX-RN exam, 个人必须在其预期的执业状态下获得执照. The requirements for licensure vary by state, so it is prudent to become familiar with the necessary steps. After securing a license, 护士可以在重症监护中获得注册护士的经验, 手术室, or emergency room setting. 这种经验可以进一步巩固知识和技能,在手术室中脱颖而出.

Become a Key Component of Critical Care

Whether they are aiding surgeons who are performing a procedure, or providing updates to families waiting for results, OR nurses can have a significant impact on patients’ lives. 有兴趣成为一名护士,在手术期间协助的个人可以探索Fortis 护理学校十大正规赌博平台大全s.

富通提供实用护理和护理副学士课程,帮助您踏上职业之旅. 这些课程旨在帮助您建立基础知识和技能,为您以后的护理生涯提供支持, regardless of where your journey takes you. 

Learn how we can help you pursue a career in a critical field.

5 Ways Nurses Are Making a Difference in Patients’ Lives
4 Growing Technologies in 护理
How Long Does It Take to Become a Nurse?

Indeed, 15 护理 Administration Jobs
Indeed, How to Become an OR Nurse
National Council of 状态 Boards of 护理, NCSBN Examinations
SAGE开放式护理, 《十大正规赌博平台大全》